Book I: God’s Sovereignty
Psalms 1-41
Enjoying God Through the Psalms focuses on the Sovereignty of God. There is a one-page devotional, application questions and suggestions, and a unique way to study each of these 41 Psalms. God will certainly enjoy spending time with you as you explore your relationship with Him through the Psalms!
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Book II: God’s Redemption
Psalms 42-72
Enjoying God Through the Psalms is God’s Redemption. Only a God whose Being reveals the eternal fullness of both love and justice has the divine foresight to provide redemption for His creation. This Redeeming God is the One revealed to us throughout Book II. Study methods include Bible stories, character and word studies, praying and worshiping with the Word, creative writing, geography, and more.
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Book III: God’s Sanctuary
Psalm 73 – 89
Enjoying God Through the Psalms centers on God’s presence, His sanctuary, His dwelling place. In this shortest of the five Books you will experience a variety of personal ways to simply be with God, to encounter Him. “How lovely is Your presence, O Lord!”relationship with Him through the Psalms!
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Book IV: God’s Faithfulness
Psalms 90 – 106
Enjoying God Through the Psalms The psalmists experienced God’s faithfulness by trusting Him. As you spend time in Enjoying God Through the Psalms Book IV, your heart will have ample opportunity to examine how you trust in God’s faithful character as you practice several different Bible study methods which will strengthen your ability to more accurately interpret God’s Word!
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Book V: God’s Holiness
Psalms 107 – 150
Enjoying God Through the Psalms – The songs in Book V declare praise for God’s faithful Word. Our holy God desires the most extravagant sacrifice we can offer: our love for, faithfulness to, and obedience to His revealed will, as found in His Living Word. Time in the Word is more about relationship with Him than information about Him!
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If you are a teacher, know a teacher, or pray for a teacher, you will find this book both helpful and entertaining! Ruminations for Teachers is comprised of quotes, prayers, book reviews, and words of wisdom accumulated over Mary Jean’s 50-year teaching career. Her thoughts and her story will encourage, provoke, and inspire teachers to become who they were created to be!
The concept of Sabbath Rest is first found in Genesis and is reiterated throughout the Bible. God rested and He commanded us to rest for our own good.
Still today, Jesus offers this invitation: Come to Me… and I will give you rest. There are painful consequences for not resting and rich rewards for learning to rest. Here is an opportunity to explore Sabbath Rest using a wide variety of Bible study techniques!
This Advent Study Guide is an invitation to revisit a familiar story in new and creatively engaging ways! You will learn how to study the Bible while you’re studying. Your Christmas “lens” will change as you spend time with Jesus, God’s gift of love.
This is a compilation of Mary Jean’s international travels which have taken her from red light districts, to military bases. From shacks in squatter’s camps, to maximum security prisons. From inner-city homeless shelters to remote mountain villages, and from regions devastated by natural disasters to black tie dinners in 5-star hotels.
Mary Jean’s vulnerability and humor will draw you into her stories and you will find yourself laughing, tearing up, and at times, provoked. She was once asked the question, “Are you risking enough for what burns inside of you?” Through these stories, you will be challenged to examine what burns inside of your heart.
Join the adventure as you walk through A World of Open Doors
Would you like to study the Bible but don’t know how? You can learn to enjoy studying no matter what your learning style is! This book outlines dozens of methods and techniques for you to easily use to study stories, people, spiritual disciplines, words, and themes. Each study offers clear steps and suggestions so that you can enjoy time with Jesus as you study His Word!
We have much to learn about the Kingdom attitude known as humility, and thankfully, God models this trait throughout the entire Bible. By employing ten different study methods, you can explore this core Biblical theme and experience Jesus’ humility being formed in your heart!
Our workbooks are offered in a spiral-bound format to ensure they lay flat for easier studying and note-taking, providing blank pages for your reflections and making them more affordable for our readers.